STEAM Building Materials

Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 9
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 8
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 7
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 6
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 5
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 4
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 3
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 2
Seguin Kindergarten STEAM Slide 1

Ms. Seguin Kindergarten class loves the STEAM activities she was able to purchase with the grant she received. They call it their “STEM Lab.” They use the STEM Lab almost every day! One of of their favorite times to utilize the lab is after math instruction in the afternoon. It is a great time for a little brain break in our afternoon and even better, to use math and science skills! The connecting straws allow the students to get creative and show off their engineer designs. They use a variety of stem items to create letters and words as well. The dominoes are another big hit! It is so fun to watch the runs they create and it is even more fun to watch the teamwork and the patience these five and six year old's have as they create! The stem lab is always open for creative play at the end of the day during choice time. They are very thankful to have these STEAM items in their Kindergarten classroom

Ms. Nikki Seguin
Kindergarten Teacher
Royalton Elementary